And How You Can Do It Too...

I Want to PERSONALLY Invite You To Jump On The Yellow Brick Road.
I would love to work with you and show you how I was able to grow my insurance agency to over 8-figures.
No, it wasn't easy, but now you have someone that has actually done what you're trying to accomplish, here to help you along the way.


Schedule a Live Demo Today!






This insurance sales workshop can change your agency forever! Limited seats available.

DECEMBER 08, 09, 10

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


What You'll Learn In This FREE Webinar

  • The dangers of not having proper processes in your agency
  • The 3 things that the biggest agencies in the country do to be successful
  • The 12 Steps to a perfect sales conversation

The 12 Steps To The Yellow Brick Road Of Insurance Phone Sales

Benefits Of Following The Steps:

Fight Objections Like:

  •  Significantly increase your closing ratio and average premium per policy
  • ​Build crazy customer loyalty and retention
  • ​Sell policies to customers even when you can’t save them money
  • ​Increase revenue on every sale
  • ​Prevent objections before they ever come up
  • ​Stop selling state minimum policies
  • ​Make the sales process smoother, easier, and low-pressure for both producers and customers
  • ​You’re not saving me enough money to be worth switching
  • ​I need to think about it
  • ​I’m fine with the state minimums, I just want what the law requires
  • ​I want to shop around
  • ​I don’t really need renter’s insurance
  • ​I have to talk to my spouse/business partner/dog
  • ​I just don’t want to go through the effort of switching right now
  • ​I’d rather wait until my renewal to switch

What You'll Learn In This FREE Webinar

  • The dangers of not having proper processes in your agency
  • The 3 things that the biggest agencies in the country do to be successful
  • The 12 Steps to a perfect sales conversation

The 12 Steps To The Yellow Brick Road Of Insurance Phone Sales

Benefits Of Following The Steps:

  •  Significantly increase your closing ratio and average premium per policy
  • ​Build crazy customer loyalty and retention
  • ​Sell policies to customers even when you can’t save them money
  • ​Increase revenue on every sale
  • ​Prevent objections before they ever come up
  • ​Stop selling state minimum policies
  • ​Make the sales process smoother, easier, and low-pressure for both producers and customers

Fight Objections Like:

  • ​You’re not saving me enough money to be worth switching
  • ​I need to think about it
  • ​I’m fine with the state minimums, I just want what the law requires
  • ​I want to shop around
  • ​I don’t really need renter’s insurance
  • ​I have to talk to my spouse/business partner/dog
  • ​I just don’t want to go through the effort of switching right now
  • ​I’d rather wait until my renewal to switch

See What Others Are Saying

How some of our clients reacted to the unveiling of YBR Scripts...

See What Others Are Saying

How some of our clients reacted to the unveiling of YBR Scripts...

Why the yellow brick road system is a...


Let me speak bluntly: If you want your insurance agency to grow, you have to start taking the right actions that propel you forward, not hold you back. That's what is different about what I teach!

What YBR Will Teach You
  • How to improve your closing percentage
  • ​Train sales staff effortlessly
  • ​Create process and accountability in your agency
  • ​Increase your ROI
  • ​Maximize your sales on every interaction
  • ​Sell more financial services
  • ​Improve client retention
  • ​Make price not matter

Tripled My ROI In Just 6 Weeks!

"I was doing horrible for 2018 and stuck the following year, trying to figure things out. Kirk is ruthless!"
- Kevin Wolfe

Interactive Sales 
Scripts Database

Detailed Activity Reports & Dashboards

Team Member Time Card Management

Over 1,000 Path Selection Options

Why Should I Use Sales Scripts?

And Do They Really Work?

Many agents always ask me if sales scripts really work and if they do, why should they use YBR Scripts specifically. What's so special about them?

Month To Month Subscription


If you don't absolutely LOVE IT and makes your sales skyrocket... You get your money back... plus some more.

Our sales scripts have been tested and used by thousands of insurance agents around the country.  We KNOW they work on every market, big cities, or small towns, rural, or urban.  Using YBR Scripts will improve your sales or you get your money back... Plus another 25% on us.*

* See Money Back Guarantee For Details


Join the THOUSANDS of insurance agents who have utilized this system to grow their agencies


You don't have to be an expert sales person. All you have to do is Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Read This Before Going ANY Further...

From The Desk Of Michael McCormick
Co-Founder of Largest Insurance Related Facebook Group

Agent Family,
We have been very fortunate in Insurance Soup to have caught the attention and love of the Agents, Brokers, and Producers of the Insurance Industry. We try and focus on providing Agents the opportunity to discover and explore true innovation, blue ocean opportunity, and top notch products and services they may not have heard of while sipping on the Kool Aid of their carrier culture. 

With a stadiums worth of Insurance Agents all in one place hanging out and talking shop all day we are essentially a 365 day a year virtual conference where people network, laugh, and talk about the good, bad, and ugly in the business.
Given the attentive nature of our audience, with over 92% of the currently 32000 participating monthly, we are approached by vendors, marketers, and consultants from throughout the insurance industry a couple of times a week.

Michael McCormick
Co-Founder Of The Insurance Soup

"One of very few no brainer decisions we have had to make the last 5 years"

Ranging from industry stalwarts to start ups companies old and new are constantly trying to figure out ways to work in tandem with Insurance Soup to put their product in front of our audience. We politely decline the large majority of them. Often times we will not even field the conversation.

When Kirk Fuqua reached out to me in May of 2019 it was a conversation I had to have. I have been fortunate to know Kirk since 2014 and while we were not close friends, I was very aware of the level of success he was achieving and helping others achieve.  
Not knowing what to expect outside of an opportunity to have good conversation with someone who I have looked up to as an Agent and business owner within the industry I was curious to learn what Kirk wanted to speak on. 

He explained to me a bit about his sales system which I was already somewhat aware of. I knew Kirk was training Agents across the country for some time with remarkable success. Agents rave about him from coast to coast and his name pops up in a number of places throughout social media when Agents request sales training or coach recommendations.

When he explained to me that he had turned all the scripts that built him his $20 million Agency into a software that many Agents were already loving and excelling with my mind was blown. Upon sinking our teeth into it, my partner in Soup Taylor Dobbie, myself, and Kirk developed a number of ways to take an existing software Kirk already had hundreds of very happy Agents utilizing.. and turn it into both a SALES SCRIPT SOFTWARE, which it already was…. And an ACCOUNTABILITY software that tells the true story of what is going on within the Agency on each and every call down to the most finite of details.  

What resulted was another innovation and blue ocean service that the industry has salivated over and celebrates its arrival to this day.
It takes a lot for Insurance Soup to bring a new service or brand to the party but Kirk and Yellow Brick Road was a no brainer. One of very few no brainer decisions we have had to make the last 5 years.

I hope you decide to take YBR out for a spin.
Its fast, easy, fun, and will provide you a consistent proven approach that simply puts more policies on the board, keeps more policies on the books, trains everyone in a uniform way that works, and keeps everyone in the Agency honest on their production.





We firmly believe that there are 3 factors that make or break insurance agencies all over the country.
Kirk has taught about these to thousands of agents who have seen great results by applying them on their agencies.
Simply put, this is how it works:


Process is the vehicle you give your sales staff to drive around.
You can give them a beat-up Honda Civic or a Race car. Both will probably get them to the finish line, but only one of them will take them there faster than ever before.
Most agents give their sales staff a two-page script (the Civic) and expect them to be successful. 
YBR Scripts is the Race Car that ensures consistent, fast laps that can be replicated by everyone in your agency.


Opportunity is the fuel you put in your car. You can have the fastest car ever, but with no fuel, it's rendered useless pretty fast.
Our fuel is all the prospects that we are given the opportunity to connect with. Here at YBR, we use a process called "REFERRAL MACHINE", which has been proven to provide fresh, quality referrals to their users in a daily basis which drives down your marketing spend to ZERO, while increasing your closing rate.


Pace is like the race car driver you give the vehicle to. A good driver is someone who is willing to go at high speeds and is not afraid of taking the risky turns that will give him/her the best lap times.
How fast we go is determined by our level of accountability. YBR Scripts provides the most robust level of reporting you have ever seen, to ensure everyone is following the same path consistently and that everyone is being held accountable for how fast they are going.

If you would like to learn more about these processes join us for a FREE webinar

You Don't Have To Take Our Word For It...

    hear it from some of the TOP industry leaders...

    Click on the images to play the videos... 

    Michael McCormick

    Insurance Soup

    Taylor Dobbie

    Insurance Soup

    Al Sicard

    US Top 15 Independent Insurance Agent

    Steve Wilmer

    President Of The Risk Advisor Institute

    Paul Banister

    His Credentials

    Bill Whitley

    His Credentials

    Insurance Guys Podcast

    His Credentials

    Cody Askins

    His Credentials

    Would You Like To See More? Here You Go...


    Originally from Louisiana, Kirk moved to Oklahoma to become an insurance agent after a long career in law enforcement. Starting from scratch, he built a $20 million dollar agency in 10 years, becoming one of the top 10 Auto & Fire Producer for the largest captive insurance company in the country, earning countless awards and accolades. Kirk has been a highly sought-after speaker of the insurance industry for many years for his creation of the YBR (Yellow Brick Road) processes. These processes were formed from skills that Kirk developed as a police officer and applied them to the Property & Casualty Sales conversation. These techniques are extremely effective at maximizing the result of every conversation, predicting the responses of prospects, and limiting and overcoming objections.
    This conversation inspired Kirk to write the book "The Yellow Brick Road for Insurance Phone Sales", which instantly became a hit in the insurance industry, and led to the creation of “YBR Scripts”, and “YBR Insurance Sales Training” to make implementation of these processes easy.
    Kirk Fuqua
    YBR Scripts & YBR Insurance Training Creator


    The Yellow Brick Road (YBR) philosophy was born out of the necessity of having prospects realize the value on the insurance products we sell and to not be fixated on the price. The YBR conversation will take a prospect by the hand in the discovery of what is important to them to have protected and make them realize the dangers of not having the right coverage.
    90% of the times, the customers are surprised to find out they have been under-protected for a long time.

    YBR Scripts follows and expands on the philosophies outlined on the book Yellow Brick Road For Insurance Phone Sales, by Kirk Fuqua.

    All of the scripts have a reason for being. They have been tested and proven to work by thousands of agents around the country and are the cornerstone of helping Kirk build his $20 million dollar agency in 10 years.


    Have Questions? No Problem! Check out our FAQ Below...

    Why is being scripted so important?
    Script creator Kirk Fuqua says it best. When you go to Chick-Fil-A and you order a chicken sandwich is it different each and every time? No, There is only one way to make the chicken. And that one way has made everyone and anyone who has ever worked at Chick-Fil-A competent to make a delicious chicken sandwich that the public loves. If every time you went to Chick-Fil-A you got a different experience and sometimes the chicken was good and sometimes it was bad and sometimes it had ketchup on it and sometimes it was dry and sometimes they put carrots on it to see how it would taste… you would not return back and you would never have a consistent experience. Consistency is key in providing your clients a uniform experience and in making sure that your producers always cook the chicken the same way. No one wants carrots on their chicken sandwich and you have a producer in your office who, without guidance, doctors up that sandwich a little different every time they make it. Heck, your whole office is making a different sandwich from producer to producer and prospect to prospect without scripted processes. Everyone should be making the sandwich the same. That is why you script.  
    Is YBR right for me?
    Yellow Brick Road is a fantastic fit whether you are a one man show or managing a team. Whether you offer all lines of insurance or you are a P&C guy or gal, Yellow Brick Road has been designed with you in mind. With a value driven approach that leads prospects to closing themselves with words and ideas that they share with you, the path created by conversations provided by this software are unlike anything you have experienced in the industry. It is simple to follow and at first glance you may not see its brilliance but as you get a few reps in you will notice that the people you talk to are providing you tremendous ammunition to create doubt in their current situation, admit to not understanding their policy, share what is important to protect, and remove price from the conversation. As a one man operation you will be forced to have tough but very productive self introspective moments as a new user but will have the confidence and moxie of an industry leading closer quickly. As an established Agency you will have team members consistently putting your brand and Agency's best foot forward, reduce time needed to train, have far more learning moments for your producers, and know exactly what everyone in your office spent their day doing and talking about with prospects and clients. 
    Do I have to be a good sales person?
    No. But the good news is you will be soon. YBR has taken people with no sales experience and with the proven 12 step system turn them into 100 item a month plus producers in as little as 60 days. The reason a lot of people struggle with sales is because they fail to build value, establish themselves as an authority, create doubt in the mind of the prospect, and really do not do a good job leveraging a prospects own pain points and hopes. Even those that feel they do during every conversation lack the consistency they believe they have. Following YBR does all of that for you. All you have to do is follow it. 
    What is the difference between YBR and other scripts?
    Well for starters there is no other sales software out there within the industry so immediately there is not much to compare it to. Outside of its uniqueness as a software, there is no other scripting available that is intuitive and not simply linear. A conversation can take MANY different paths and short of memorizing a playbook of 50-75 pages and knowing where to turn in the playbook to handle any and everything thrown at you, you will never be able to return volleys, overcome objections, or establish authority in the conversation quite like with YBR. The 12 step process is proven, used to train, and has produced hundreds of millions in premium across the country. To our knowledge there is not another script that can march out that kind of moxie and track record. 


    THOUSANDS Of Agents Have Been Exactly Where You Are!

    As a business owner you are wearing a lot of hats. As someone who wears a lot of hats it is impossible to be providing your Agency the leadership and training necessary for a consistent approach to sales. 
    Consistency is where the magic happens and why there are not too many real magicians in this business.
    When you do not have a process, every conversation is different. When every conversation is different you have no way of knowing what works and does not.

    The Yellow Brick Road is a proven system that has grown a $20 million Agency in under 10 years from scratch and has proven to consistently create 100+ item/month producers in Agencies all across the country. 
    Thousands of Agents have traveled all over the country to learn these exact scripts.
    Bonus? It also holds everyone in your office accountable to their day by tracking everything from number and length of calls… to the exact direction and final destination of every call.. creating massive answerability, reporting, and extreme ownership of results.

    Ready To Start Your YBR Journey?


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